What Makes a Good Designer/Client Relationship

Why does embarking on a creative project feel so nerve-wracking? 

It might be because we hold onto our creative ideas so tightly. Not to mention it’s hard to transfer your ideas from your mind to the page. Especially when you have to share your ideas with someone else. 

This is why your client and designer relationship is so important. Achieving amazing results doesn’t come down to how good your pitch is, or how good your designer is at Photoshop — it is all about how strong your relationship is. 

Without sounding like a self-help book you’d find at an airport bookshop — we are going to take you through all you need to ensure creative relationship success. From embracing change to open communication, ensure that your next partnership really takes off.  

Dried Flowers on Paper

Foundation of Trust 

Trust is the most important part of any good client and designer relationship. 

And just like the old saying goes — it’s a two-way street. When it comes to creating brand collateral or creative work, know that your designer is just as invested as you. A great client relationship respects that each individual brings their unique experience and know-how to the table. This is why trust is essential. 

There are all sorts of ways to build trust between clients and designers. Make sure you listen, ask questions and take on any feedback accordingly. This also goes for clients — designers are here to bring your vision to life but they also bring their own expert advice from working in their field. When you come from a background of mutual respect — that’s when the magic can really happen. 

Spiral-staircase Design

Open Communication 

Like a good relationship and surviving a Shakespearean tragedy — communication is key. When starting any design project it is crucial that you set out clear goals and guidelines upfront. Not only does this save you any headaches later on but it also gives you both a clear guiding star to your project. 

Some clients feel like they bring too many ideas to the table, but actually the more information the better. It can be anything from websites you love, to a complete Pinterest mood board. Any type of visual aid is a great way to quickly get everyone on the same page. So please, bring in that binder of ideas!

Three Old Telephones on Floor

Quality Feedback 

The one part that can really slow down the design process is feedback. 

Giving and receiving good feedback is a crucial part of the design process and allows our design team to shape something you truly love. Great feedback is action based — it propels you towards the next step. So don’t be afraid to tell us what you really think!

Think about feedback this way — take a sculpture. It does not simply spring forth into perfection but is slowly worked from stone. You create the shape, then the outline and only after do you begin refining the details. Each round of feedback should guide and inform the next step. Perfection doesn’t happen overnight. But it can be achieved with the right feedback. 

Interested in the design process? You can check out our design revision blog and see just how all the hard work happens. 

Ancient Greek Sculpture Art History

Embrace Change 

How many times do you have an idea only to realise someone has an even better one?

When collaborating on any project it is key to being open to something different — even if you have a really clear idea of what you want. Think of all the things you could create if you branched out of your comfort zone! 

Design thinking is a great way to think outside of the box both as a client and a creative. This methodology encourages you to think of different approaches based on empathy and understanding client needs. Inspiration can come from the strangest of places — so why not embrace it?


At Bellman, we pride ourselves on our open and collaborative designer and client relationships. Contact us today to begin your creative design journey.


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