Behind The Scenes: How Design Revisions Work

If you haven’t been involved in creative industries you might not know what exactly happens behind the scenes.

Is it magic? Photoshop? A talented team? A little bit of everything?

Taking an idea all the way through to the final design is a massive process. At Bellman, we’re all about open communication which is why this week we’re letting you peek behind the curtain — or more appropriately, into the offices of our designers.


What Are Design Revisions Anyway?

Design can be generally mapped out into three distinct stages. Conception, revision and final product. During the conception stage, we sit down and make sure everyone is on the same page. We talk through your project and set out a clear scope. After this, we brainstorm and come up with a whole variety of concepts to present. Then comes the revision process. The real nitty-gritty.

For many clients, they see the revision process as a stressful experience. And part of that is that sometimes they don’t realise just how much work is happening behind the scenes. This is where trust is absolutely key. Design revisions let us refine our concepts to make sure it is exactly what you need.

Woman Read a Book

What our designers say: “Revisions are often made easier when the client already has some trust and faith in our ability.”


Revisions, Revisions, Revisions 

Clients often either have a very clear idea of what they want for their creative, or are more than happy to leave it up to the experts. We love both.

Having an idea, even if it’s just a rough colour palette and theme, makes our designers’ job so much easier. Not only can we get a clear feel for your business, but it also helps cut down on revision time.


Our hot tip: “A clear, transparent design brief often reduces or completely eliminates the need for revisions.”


Revisions are also nothing to fear. They are a completely normal part of the creative process. However, it is best practice to have a clear process of revisions so you don’t end up making tiny tweaks for weeks at a time.

Drawing on Paper

Keeping It Collaborative 

Great design doesn’t just happen overnight.

Not only is it a process, but it’s also a collaborative one. This means that during the revision process we are constantly checking in with both our team and our client.

There are all sorts of ways we can show off how our creative would work in real life, from mockups to packaging. At Bellman, we make sure that we are testing our designs in the real world — not just on a screen.

On collaboration: “If we can understand what the client is trying to achieve — the essence of the project, we are able to come up with solutions. Often the right answer isn’t simply changing the colours.”  

An Abstrack Painting

Getting the right tools: “I love Figma because it is great for collaboration between designers, project managers and clients. We can all be working on the same board together —no matter where you are, it can be used like a virtual whiteboard”

If you find that your project keeps going back to revisions it might be a case of having too many cooks in the kitchen. When working on any creative project it is key to have a clear decision maker to stop any visual confusion. At Bellman, we use project managers to ensure that not only is everyone on the same page but that we don’t waste time deliberating over the small things. Likewise, it is great when clients have a central figure who can provide clear feedback through the revision process.

Have clear leaders: “Reducing the number of decision makers or stakeholders on the client side of the project can help to alleviate revisions or confusion around who we are designing for.”

Have you felt like your design project isn’t getting where it needs to be? Come and chat with our creative design team to breathe some life into your brand. 

For branding by Bellman

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