How A Brand Audit Can Benefit Your Business

It’s not easy to stand out.

That’s why your brand is so important. It does all the heavy lifting for you. If you are starting to see a drop in sales or you are struggling to position your brand it might be time for a brand audit.

A brand audit allows you to clearly see any problems or issues that are facing your business. Even more importantly it lets you come up with clear, defined steps to take to make sure your brand reaches its full potential.

What’s not to love?

Unique Pattern of Gardens

What Is a Brand Audit?

Audit might sound like a scary word but think of it this way — an audit is like checking in on your brand. You can ask all types of questions like:

What are the pain points in my brand?

What are my brand values?

What are my competitors doing?

These are the sort of questions we might ask you when undertaking a brand audit. The reason we ask these is to gauge what your problems are and work together towards solving them. A brand audit provides you with fantastic opportunities for growth which is the key to any thriving business.

If you’re still not quite sure your brand is in need of a refresh why not have a read of our 6 signs it’s time for a rebrand blog?

Creative Paint Brushes Arrangement

What Are the Benefits of a Brand Audit?

Have you heard the saying — you can’t see the forest for the trees?

Sometimes we get too focused on the tiny details and miss the big picture. For example you could be focusing on your logo as a pain point, when actually it is your brand guidelines that need work.

At Bellman we often see clients come to us after an internal brand audit has struggled to provide any progress. When it comes to looking at something you have poured your heart and soul into it’s hard to be objective. This is one of the many benefits of getting a professional brand audit. Another set of eyes on a problem can help you see things differently. And provide solutions that you might have never thought of.

A clear brand is incredibly important. It’s why we trust the swish of the Nike logo. Or the bite of Apple. These brands have built up a loyal following over the years — and they achieve this through not always staying the same but by continually growing.

Through our brand strategy service, we help you identify those key areas of concern as well as providing you with realistic and timely actions to support your new or existing brand. We can help shape your direction to success and allow your brand to evolve.

Protea Flower Reflection on Mirror

What Is Included in Our Brand Strategy?

So you’ve decided your brand needs a refresh. What’s next?

Our Brand Strategy service helps you map out a guide to achieving branding bliss.

Have a look at one of the clients we have previously worked with to achieve some amazing results.

Otopia Wellness came to us to help with their O so exciting launch.

They already had their brand, website and collateral designed and ready to go. But what they really needed was an outside perspective on their existing brand before going to launch. We updated their content guidelines, collateral and website to ensure everything was looking absolutely stunning.


“Wow Wow & Wow!!! You have the go ahead from us – you guys have nailed it! This is getting really exciting!!” — Jacqui Thackeray, Otopia Wellness

You can have a look at the complete project here. We can’t wait to see what brand audits we work on in the future!

Do you think your brand needs a brand refresh? Come and chat with the creative experts at Bellman today.

For branding by Bellman

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