Why a Brand Audit Is Essential for Staying on Top of Your Game

You may have noticed that some of the biggest brands out there are constantly reimagining and altering themselves – changing their look, language and online presence over the years.

This constant evolution is a powerful tool in the world of branding; it helps brands consistently appeal to audiences, as consumer’s tastes and expectations shift over time.

This doesn’t mean you should be redesigning your logo every year, but it does go to show that evolution is part of strong branding. And a good way to check whether your brand is still meeting expectations is through a brand audit.

A brand audit is pretty much a health check for your brand – looking at areas that can be strengthened or altered to best represent the current face of the business and its values.

“A brand isn’t something that physically exists; it’s an idea in the mind of a customer. Shaping that idea into its best possible form can only strengthen your brand.”

Remember that a brand isn’t something that physically exists; it’s an idea in the mind of a customer. Shaping that idea into its best possible form can only strengthen your brand and ensure you’re capitalising on every possible chance to win favour and customer loyalty.

Conducting a brand audit will alert you to current strengths and weaknesses, and indicate areas that can be improved. You can either conduct your own audit, or seek the help of a third party such as a branding studio or friend in the business.

But what should you, or they, look at when conducting a brand audit? The short answer to this is, everything.

Your brand’s visuals, content, tone, digital presence and values should all be put under a lens and assessed on their role and function.

Maybe the wording you currently use doesn’t reflect your values, or the logo looks dated, and maybe your Instagram profile isn’t working for your audience. These are all valid and crucial points to assess when looking at the inner-workings of your brand.

“A healthy and concise brand will be much stronger going forward.”

Writing them down with examples of how each flaw can be fixed is only beneficial to your brand, as a healthy and concise brand will be much stronger going forward.

Depending on your business this may also help with your sales process, as a stronger brand is more likely to convert and instil a sense of trust in consumers.

Not sure where to start with your brand audit? Get in touch with Bellman and we’ll help you on your way.

For branding by Bellman

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