The Most Interesting Brand Activations We’ve Seen

Brand activations are the explosions of the branding and marketing world. There are a few loose definitions for them, but typically it’s when a brand launch markets a product in an interesting, memorable, and experiential fashion.

It’s a way to connect directly with your target audience through multi-touch marketing, often by utilising a main event as well as other marketing strategies. The main event is often activated in a physical space, and the best ones are exciting, explosive, and impactful.

Experiential Marketing

Experiential marketing is an advertising strategy that physically puts your customers in a place to experience your product. Typically these are big, bold, and totally original. Here are the most interesting brand activations we’ve seen.

Business Party Celebration


Refinery29 is a media platform aiming to inspire young women. So how do you make an exciting brand activation for a brand that is mostly online? Get consumers involved hands-on! That was the idea behind 29Rooms which can only be described as an Instagrammer’s paradise. We love that they have collaborated with various visionaries, brands, and non-profit organisations. Collaborating is a great way to increase your reach and give artists a platform.

Aperol Brand Identity Business Applications


Aperitif brand Aperol executed a brand activation that we could definitely see ourselves taking part in. It involved swinging seats, pizza and heaps of Aperol spritz! The bartenders could answer any product-related questions, with the main aim to generate a buzz for Aperol Spritz as their signature cocktail. Aperol’s heritage is Italian so that inspired the Italian vibes. Plus the orange palette makes it very Instagram-worthy.

Project 84 Campaign Marketing Strategy


Project84 launched by Adam&EveDDB and Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) was a stunt that shocked many and made an impactful statement. Every two hours a man in the UK takes his life, which adds to approximately 84 men per week. To raise awareness of this, 84 mannequins were stationed on the edge of buildings in the UK. Working in conjunction with sculptor Mark Jenkins and with support from the bereaved, the activation came together. The reaction was overwhelming and it certainly achieved its intention of making a big impact.


In our own backyard, we noted a stand out brand activation by hair and skincare brand Garnier. At the Australian Open in 2019, they created an oasis from the heat and the crowds where you could play with bubbles, a ball pit, slides, sunflowers, and mini-trampolines.

We’re keen to see what’s at the Australian Open in 2020 and if any other brands will take advantage of the huge crowds and abundant space at the event.

Why Do a Brand Activation?

Brand activations make a lasting impression. The memorability of the experience solidifies the brand in the customer’s brain.

  • A massive 74% of consumers say a branded experience makes them more likely to buy the products being promoted
  • Millennials love event marketing
  • You can make use of observational data and get a real-time consumer response
  • Employ an email sign-up requirement to generate a mailing list
  • Boost your social media presence by making it photogenic
  • Ignite long-term support by connecting to customers on a deeper emotional level

Remember to always be authentic, keep your target audience in mind, and deliver something unforgettable.

Ready to make a splash with an exciting brand activation? We’re ready, too. Speak to us about it today. Contact a reputable branding agency to turn your ideas into reality.

For branding by Bellman

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