Strategic Investments in Branding

It makes great financial sense to invest in your business before the end of June. The main reason savvy companies make purchases prior to EOFY is to avoid paying the ATO tax on paper profits, which — if cash flow permits — could be strategically reduced. 


Business Woman Working on Macbook

The Business Case

In making clever purchases this side of the financial year, you effectively save 25% or more on any expense paid for between now and June 30. Simply put, you get taxed 25 cents for every one dollar of profit earned, so by reducing paper profit (with strategic expenses) you end up paying less tax to the ATO. Clever, right?

Color Combinations Branding Guides

Your business can avoid excess tax and make quick gains by investing in:

Brand Strategy

Reignite the passion that started it all, and share your unique brand story in breath-taking, pupil-dilating, awe-inspiring ways. If you ever feel like your business lacks direction, purpose, clarity or uniformity, there are enormous benefits to developing a crystallised brand strategy. You’ll see the gains all over, from improved staff morale right down to the bottom line.

Brand Collateral and Sales Tools

Does your business look and sound the most appealing in your category? Are your team equipped with the most effective tools to succeed in their roles? It’s easier than you may think to level up your assets and turn your brand into an undeniable force. We want your brand to be more than just beautiful; we want it to win hearts and change minds. Our thoughtful work is grounded in marketing psychology, driving behavioural change through affecting thoughts and feelings. 

Social Media 

Whether you love it or hate it, there’s no denying the power of social media in 2022. If you have an eCommerce business, know this: consumers are six times more likely to make a purchase from a product page that includes pictures from social media. 

For any brand, social proof has never been more important. 81% of consumer purchasing choices are influenced by friends’ posts on social media. 

Working with social media professionals to fill your organic social media accounts with in-demand content is critical. And following up with targeted, relevant advertising on social media delivers cumulative rewards.

People Walking on Crosswalk

Never a Better Time

There has never been a more critical time in recent economic history to invest in your business. With previously reliable investment categories (like shares, real estate and cryptocurrency) seeing huge losses around the world, it’s time to refocus on the basics: business growth. Bread and butter. Doing what you do well, being the best, and communicating that to your audience. 

Symbolically, coming out of a global pandemic also creates a great opportunity for rebirth and exciting new projects. After years of isolation and separation, people are yearning for personal connection. How can your brand make people feel seen and touched on a personal level? (We have oodles of ideas!) Make July 1st your starting point for creating new, meaningful connections with your audience.

How to Manage Tax for Your Business

How to Minimise Tax This Financial Year

  • Bring forward your expenses. Spend the money now to get the deduction sooner.
  • Purchase consumable items before June 30 (includes basics like stationery, collateral, banners and printing).
  • Use Retainer Models. Buy a block of service hours which you can use throughout the next quarter. 

Want to discuss options for savvy spending in June?

Book a zero obligation, one-hour brand strategy meeting in June, and it’s on the house!

Our Branding and Marketing experts deliver thoughtful recommendations to help you achieve your brand vision and cut through the clutter. 

Book your free strategy session today! Call us on (03) 9855 2599 


To purchase a Design Retainer or discuss your June project, email the team at: [email protected]


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