How to Create a Styleguide: Everything You Should Include

Are you looking to create a styleguide and need to know how to execute it? You’ve come to the right place. You must already be aware of the importance of a styleguide for your brand, and now you need to know what it might involve.

To create a styleguide, you would ideally have a designer and copywriter put it together. Each page of the document outlines an aspect of how your brand is communicated. A designer can make this document look great and a copywriter will make the words sing.

Here we’ll take you through a list of all styleguide inclusions, which we’ll expand on more in future blogs. We’ve broken up the styleguides into four key areas through which your brand appears or is communicated: brand, content, traditional, and digital.

Keep in mind that this list isn’t what is necessarily always included. It’s here to demonstrate the number of possible inclusions in any styleguide. This is everything you might include.

Overwhelmed? Fair enough. Of course, your brand may not need every single one of these items, but it’s helpful to figure out what you do need and go from there.

Before you can create a styleguide, it’s valuable to interrogate your brand. Start with the basics. What does your brand do? What sets you apart from your competition? What does your company value?

Or perhaps this is a refresh of your brand. In which case, how do you want to portray your brand with its new personality? What do you want to never see again?

Doing a deep dive into your brand will help you create the guidelines on how to consistently stick to your new look and feel. This is a crucial step before launching a brand.

A professional styleguide should be explicit, relevant, and usable by your staff. If you’re still not sure where to start, ask the styleguide experts at Bellman to uncover your brand’s truth and deliver a professional, quality styleguide.

Want to dive deeper? Watch this space as we take you through each of these styleguides. 


For branding by Bellman

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