How Social Media and Branding Work Together

Here’s a scary fact: even the most impressive branding can be wasted if a business has zero social presence. Social media platforms are more and more becoming the first point of contact for customers— which means not having one can be a big turn-off for any potential client.

Having an alive-but-neglected social media presence isn’t much better, either. Social media is a powerful tool, but only when used effectively.

The good news? When managed properly, branding and social media can work together to seriously supercharge your brand’s potential.

Social Media Humanises Your Brand

Branding represents the soul of your business. It helps your customers to relate to you. This is why it’s so important for your social presence to be exactly that— social.

Your customers want to feel like there’s a real person behind your brand. They don’t want to interact with a business. They want to interact with a human being.

This is where social media steps in. If done well, your social presence can humanise your brand in a way that nothing else can. How? By engaging with your audience.

The right image has the power to grab your customer’s attention in a way that forces them to hit pause on their mindless scrolling and really take in what they’re seeing. Now that’s powerful branding.

The ability to engage with people is by far the best aspect of social media. It isn’t just a platform to showcase your branding. It’s a direct line of communication that allows you to connect through your branding.

You want to create more than a social profile— you want to create an authentic relationship with your audience. Effective branding encourages customers to interact with your posts. And when your customers like, share and comment on your posts, they’re taking an active role in that consumer relationship.

Good Branding Stops a Scroller in Their Tracks

It’s no secret that social media users have inexplicably short attention spans— who isn’t guilty of wasting hours scrolling like a zombie?

Words might fly right over some people’s heads, but visuals speak to everyone. That’s why branding is so powerful on social media. The right image has the power to grab your customer’s attention in a way that forces them to hit pause on their mindless scrolling and really take in what they’re seeing. Now that’s powerful branding.

If art is a universal language, then you want to make sure yours is well spoken. Your logo, colour palette and even fonts are all opportunities to reach out and grab your customer’s attention.

Of course, there’s more to branding than just the visual component. But the point here is that your key messaging should shine through in every aspect of its design. More importantly, these elements should all be designed in a way that will allow them to shine on any social media platform.

When it comes to your brand, it’s essential to work with a team that understands your vision and how to execute it. Get in touch with Bellman today and see how we can help take your brand to the next level on social and beyond.

For branding by Bellman

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