How Do You Build a Brand in 2024?

Sometimes, the beginning is the hardest part.

Just like the saying goes, a great brand isn’t built in a day. It requires months, even years of hard work to build a brand. This isn’t to say it’s not fun, it can be, but branding is something that requires consistent effort.

So what can you do to ensure your brand gets the very best start to life? One, acknowledge that success is made up of small goals, and two, seek out the experts. This week we have asked our team of branding superstars how to build a brand in 2022.

Disco Ball on Floor

Create A Brand Strategy

All great brands begin with a game plan.

We don’t mean step one — take over the world and become a sensation. We mean small, measurable goals that you can use to track the development of your brand. For this, you can’t go past a brand strategy. Think of this as the launchpad, and the rocket is your product.

A brand strategy is a realistic and timely series of actions to support your existing or future brand. It tells you when to fire all engines, and when to make sure you’re fueled up correctly. A strong brand strategy will help you gain insights on how to bring your new brand to life or how to take your existing brand to the next level.

During a brand strategy service, we engage in a series of discussions and audit of your current brand issues, existing marketing tactics and channels. This allows us to find any pain points and areas for improvement. By taking a look at your desired market positioning, brand personality and potential tools that we can use to help bring that to life, you’re given a step by step game plan that you don’t need a rocket science degree to follow.


Oranges in White Strings Bag

Establish Your Visual Identity 

Yep, we love judging a book (or brand) by the cover. Especially when the design looks that good.

Having beautiful branding is the best way to connect with your audience. A brand design is a pure, visual essence of what your brand aspires to be. It shows off if you’re quirky, trendy, serious or informative in just one glance.

Our expert team of in-house designers look to the heart of your brand and exemplify this across your brand design, whether you’re a brand new business or undergoing an exciting rebrand. We focus on your brand design being beautiful, memorable, suited to your collateral, fresh and emblematic of who you are. It’s a collaboration of your vision and our creativity.

Your final brand design will be completely unique, void of cliché and perfectly aligned with your brand.


Woman Face Covered by a Flower

Be Consistent 

You know how sometimes you can tell it’s a new social media intern on a Twitter account? We’re pretty good at spotting impostors when it comes to branding. This is why it’s so important to be consistent across all collateral and consumer touchpoints.

Our Brand Content service ensures your words are always looking spiffy — even if you hired a new kid. Your content guidelines are your blueprint to understanding who you are internally, and how to best communicate it to your audience. Everyone has a great idea for a business, but we can turn that idea into content currency.

Think of your brand as a person. That’s how your audience wants to see it. What’s your brand’s personality? Its undeniable truth? The reason to exist? We mine deep and find these gems of individuality and polish them into your content guidelines. It’s the reason why Uber always talks like Uber, and Apple ads always scream Apple. It’s all in the brand guidelines.

The greatest ingredient? It’s passion. It’s uniqueness. It’s the little je ne sais quoi that is so indescribable you only know it when you see it.

If this sounds like your brand then come work with us.

For branding by Bellman

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