Bellman’s new writer discusses his background and reveals his top content tips for branding

We’ve gone through a period of transformation in the Bellman studio. Adding to our already talented team, we have three new members calling the studio home. Each new Bellman expert brings with them a wealth of knowledge that our existing and future clients will be able to benefit from.

Charlie Braithwaite is our new in-house copywriter, having come to us with a background in content management, branding and journalism. His passion for the written word and compelling narratives make him a natural fit at Bellman.

Without further delay, let’s hear some more about Charlie and what he brings to the studio.

Tell us what you do:

As copywriter I handle all thing content related. If something has written words on it and comes out of the Bellman studio, I’ll have worked on it. As a lover of all things narrative it’s great to be involved in brand naming and to help brands tell their story.

What do you like doing for fun?

When I’m not writing I’m usually reading. I’m really into science fiction and video games, so you can tell I was one of the cool kids in high school.

Who is your role model and why?

I’m a big fan of Tom Waits. He has a great sense of theatricality and creativity, but also seems down to earth.

What’s your spirit animal and why?

I like dogs a lot, so let’s say a pug. I can be pretty lazy on weekends.

What are your top three tips for 2018?

1) Think about your brand’s story – Who you are and what you’re about should be clear in all of your collateral. Take a look at all your brand’s written content and check that it’s consistently telling the same narrative about your business. If there are inconsistencies in style and messaging you may find potential customers come away feeling confused after dealing with you.

2) Don’t be afraid to change things up – Tweaking your brand shouldn’t be this big scary thing that’s entirely off limits, it’s part of staying with the times. This doesn’t mean changing everything, it could just be reassessing the language your business uses, updating your online copy, or altering a logo.

3) Make sure your employees understand your brand – If you have a strong vision and philosophy for your brand, make sure your employees are on the same page. Nothing messes with a brand’s narrative more than the faces of a business not reflecting what the brand messaging conveys. This goes for rebranding too, ensure your staff know why you want to rebrand!

If you want to discuss your brand’s content needs get in touch with Bellman today.

For branding by Bellman

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