Bellman’s new digital marketing expert shares his insights for the coming year

We’ve gone through a period of transformation in the Bellman studio. Adding to our already talented team, we have three new members calling the studio home. Each new Bellman expert brings with them a wealth of knowledge that our existing and future clients will be able to benefit from.

Ben Wheelhouse has come on board to help our clients get their brands out there and in new channels. Ben’s career is defined by a passion for visual and written content, and his affinity for digital placement makes him a natural fit.

Without further delay, let’s hear some more from Ben and what he brings to the studio.

Tell us what you do:

At Bellman I’m responsible for marketing brands through social media and Google advertising in order to establish their identities and strengthen their image within an industry.

What do you like doing for fun?

I’m originally from the UK, so naturally I’m really into football (soccer to the Aussies). I’m often up at 2am watching my team, Derby County, play.

What is your pet hate?

Business buzz words – ‘I’m just touching base’, ‘let’s get the ball rolling’ etc. etc.

What’s your spirit animal and why?

Jaguar – slow moving and pensive in general, but fast, agile and decisive when it needs to be. Also the way they lie in trees looks a lot like how I relax on the sofa.

What are your top three tips for 2018?

1) The look of your website is everything – You can put all the effort in the world into having beautiful Instagram ads and amazing email marketing, but if users link through to a website with poor user experience and a brand they can’t relate to, then it’s all wasted.

2) The digital age has raised expectations – People expect brands to have websites that are quick, responsive, up-to-date and modern. It only takes a couple of years for an online presence to look outdated, so make sure you orchestrate constant changes.

3) Social channels are mini websites – Generation X hold social media channels in incredibly high regard. They’d rather be checking you out on Instagram than on your website, so capitalise on this and make your pages look sleek, eye-catching and unique.

If you want to talk to Bellman about getting your brand out there through digital marketing, get in touch today.

For branding by Bellman

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